These Family Pets Will Have Most People Terrified

But this family feels quite the opposite their favorite pet – tiger.

And they don’t just have one…they have 7 tigers. The Borges family lives in Brazil and they have adopted two of them from the circus. And started breeding them. Aryas Borges and his three daughters fell in love with the animals and his daughters Nayara, 20, Uyara, 23, and Deusanira, 24 grew up and with the big cats like most kids would do with cats or dogs. They walked them on a leash and still do so. Nayara, as you will see in the video, regularly swims with tigers. Tiger Tom a little bit on a heavy side requires more exercise and she swims with Tom 3 times a week, she says. Amazing video.
Relaxing with tigers…
These tigers love to swim…
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